Thursday, April 22, 2010

cf.Objective(0) - Keynote

Terry Ryan - Adobe

ColdFusion 9 is certainty seems to be exiting release.

EULA changed - only pay for production license.
cloud license - standard 1 cloud license, enterprise 10 cloud licenses.

CF Builder - Eclipse under the hood, code assist, code insight, sql insight.
CFBuilder Extensions. Extend-able with coldfusion. Instant code review extension Terry wrote because of working remote.

Apptacular code generator. Seems very sleek.
Flashbuilder with CF builder and Catalyst.
CF 9.01 update is coming soon - array looping, scriptable components dbinfo and more.

cf.Objective(1) - Easy and Flexible Validations for Objects

Arrived at cf.objective() with not much delays. All the usual suspects are here. Looking forward to the sessions. I will try to blog about every session I go to.

First one is Easy and Flexible Validations for Objects - Bob Silverberg.

Why do validation..? duh.. :-)

Bob presented his validation framework - ValidateThis.
It combines the definition of form field into one very flexible xml document.
Framework can then generates both client and server validation and returns structured results.

The system works by passing instantiated bean into frameworks facade. There are plans are to make it take a structure of data.

ValidateThis supports internationalization.

complex dependencies between one fields value and validation of another is also available.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Local subversion server made easy by VisualSVN

Today I needed to setup a local subversion repository for a personal project.
Found this product It was really easy to setup and I was up and running in minutes.

In visual SVN server manager, right click on top node, VisualSVN Server. Under network tab I set server name localhost, port 8443, but I think any free port will do.

Make a repository by right clicking on repositories and selecting Create New Repository (that's just one of many ways to do it.)

I used subversion authentication so a user needs to be created also. Right click on Users to do so. You will use this user when you import later.

I use Tortoise SVN client. In windows explorer go to folder of the project you want to put into SVN right click and in Tortoise SVN menu use import. In the dialog enter URL of your local repository (you can get that if yo click "Browse" in VisualSVN manager). Usually you want to import into "trunk" folder, but that discussion is beyond this blog entry. After the import is complete you can now checkout a copy from the repo. So I moved the folder I just imported to a different place and did a checkout in it's place from repository.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

CFUnited here I come

Oh yea going to CFUnited this year!

Coldfusion struct sort order

Hello my blog. We haven't spoken for a while.
So feel the need to blog something even though it's just a link to another blog that has link to another blog ... :-).

Anyway needed to figure out why my struct is not outputing in the order the values were created.

This blog post has the answer.