Thursday, July 10, 2008

Custom domain for my blog

I registered a domain for my blog, actually two: and (second one is way too fruitty). The domains were registered and parked at makes it very easy to have your parked domain pointed to blogger.

Also it's a free feature on blogger. WordPress for example charges $10 a year to have your personal custom domain to point to your blog.

I wonder why Blogger doesn't have categories for posts? They have labels so it's probably almost the same and keeps with the google theme.

I think Blogger might be temporary solution. I would like to use some ColdFusion based blogs, maybe machblog or Mango blog.

1 comment:

Jamie Krug said...

Hey, dude, nice! Maybe I'll get off my duff and blog soon, too :) Hey, can you use your account to put a DNS redirect (301, probably preferred) on to The first just gave me a GD "coming soon" page with ads, but I thought it might be a "www" issue, so I found ya.